What is gum recession?

You may hear your hygienist tell you that you have gum recession. Yet, you still may be confused about what it may be and what causes it. Gum recession can affect anyone about 50% of the population has some form of gum recession or receding gums. You may notice that you have slight tooth discoloration near the gum line that you had not noticed before. Gum recession is a type of gum disease where the gums around the tooth pull away and appears to lengthen the tooth and expose the root surface. This leaves the tooth more prone and at risk for root cavities and tooth sensitivity since the root surface is not as strong as the enamel. Once you have gum recession there is no way to reverse it although in some severe cases there is surgical treatment options. The best way to prevent furthermore gum recession is by improving brushing techniques and being mindful of your oral hygiene habits.

Now that you know what gum recession is let’s discuss the causes, how to prevent it, and what treatment options there are.

What causes gum recession?

Gum recession can affect anyone but what causes it? When there is chronic inflammation or bacteria- plaque near the gum line this can spread and cause the gums to start receding. Brushing too hard with stiff or coarse toothbrushes can also cause severe gum recession. It is most common among people who use manual toothbrushes since they have developed a subconscious habit of brushing too hard. It is important to note when using a manual toothbrush you are mindful of how you hold your toothbrush and how much pressure you are applying. Brushing too hard near the gum line or brushing on the gums will cause trauma to the gums and will lead to gum recession. Although there are preventive measures there are genetic predisposing factors in having thin gums or being more prone to gum recession. Be mindful and tactful of how you implement good brushing habits with proper techniques and modifying parafunctional habits-repetitive behaviors that affect the oral structures can prevent furthermore recession.

Factors that cause gum recession:

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Brushing too hard

  • Periodontal disease

  • Genetics

  • Dental plaque and calculus build-up

  • Tobacco products

  • Crowded teeth-misalignment

  • Lip and tongue piercings

  • Hormones- pregnancy, menopause, and some medications

  • Ortho such as braces or other orthodontic treatments

  • Bruxism- clenching and grinding

  • Parafunctional habits- repetitive behaviors that affect oral structures such as nail biting, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, bruxism etc.


How to prevent gum recession? Once you have gum recession it is not reversible. There are ways you can help prevent furthermore recession and ways to manage it. Regular dental hygiene appointments are important. Annual your dental hygienist will complete a periodontal assessment also known as perio charting where the dental hygienist measures, examines, asses the periodontium, teeth, and gum attachment. This helps identify the stage and grade of gum health. Ask your dental hygienist if you have gum recession and discuss your oral hygiene habits and parafunctional habits as well as collectively discuss personalized gum recession prevention. Prevention starts at home. Make sure you are using a soft to medium (soft preferred) toothbrush and angle the toothbrush head about 45 degrees and brush in circular motions versus horizontal strokes. Avoid brushing on the gums and just focus on brushing near the gum line to remove plaque if you have a hard time finding what is the correct method talk to your dental hygienist about proper brushing techniques.

Using a gum stimulator is also a good oral hygiene aid to help prevent gum recession. The gum stimulator will help with gently removing plaque and getting close to the gum line without having to worry about causing any tissue trauma. I like recommending these to my patients with moderate to severe gum recession and it is an excellent addition to your oral hygiene routine it is a good device to use to help with the prevention of gum recession.


A long-lasting treatment for severe gum recession is gum graft surgery. Gum graft surgery is performed to add gum to the areas where there is missing gingival tissue. This procedure is performed by removing a piece from the roof of the mouth or sometimes from the donor and placed where it is needed. The periodontist or the surgeon will then stitch the tissue from the roof of the mouth or donor this is typically a small invasive procedure. The recovery period depends on how many teeth and the severity of the gum recession. The recovery period typically can take up to two weeks to heal. The periodontist or surgeon will then give detailed postoperative instructions to follow for a successful healing process.